<text id=94CT1237><title>Sao Tome and Principe—Economy</title>
<article><source>CIA Factbook</source>
<hdr>The World Factbook 1994: Sao Tome and Principe<nl>Economy</hdr><body>
<item><hi format=bold>Overview:</hi> The economy has remained dependent on cocoa since the country gained independence nearly 15 years ago. Since then, however, cocoa production has gradually deteriorated because of drought and mismanagement, so that by 1987 output had fallen to less than 50% of its former levels. As a result, a shortage of cocoa for export has created a serious balance-of-payments problem. Production of less important crops, such as coffee, copra, and palm kernels, has also declined. The value of imports generally exceeds that of exports by a ratio of 4:1. The emphasis on cocoa production at the expense of other food crops has meant that Sao Tome has to import 90% of food needs. It also has to import all fuels and most manufactured goods. Over the years, Sao Tome has been unable to service its external debt, which amounts to roughly 80% of export earnings. Considerable potential exists for development of a tourist industry, and the government has taken steps to expand facilities in recent years. The government also implemented a Five-Year Plan covering 1986-90 to restructure the economy and reschedule external debt service payments in cooperation with the International Development Association and Western lenders.
<item><hi format=bold>National product:</hi> GDP—exchange rate conversion—$50 million (1990)
<item><hi format=bold>National product real growth rate:</hi> 1.5% (1992 est.)
<item><hi format=bold>National product per capita:</hi> $450 (1990)
<item><hi format=bold>Agriculture:</hi> accounts for 25% of GDP; dominant sector of economy, primary source of exports; cash crops—cocoa (85%), coconuts, palm kernels, coffee; food products—bananas, papaya, beans, poultry, fish; not self-sufficient in food grain and meat
<item><hi format=bold>Economic aid:</hi>
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<item>• <hi format=ital>recipient:</hi> US commitments, including Ex-Im (FY70-89), $8 million; Western (non-US) countries, ODA and OOF bilateral commitments (1970-89), $89 million
<item><hi format=bold>Currency:</hi> 1 dobra (Db)=100 centimos